20 Years of Technology

I was recently reading WIRED Magazine 21.05, or in other words the one in May.  The issue covers the first 20 years of WIRED and the technological advancements that have found their way into the magazine.  Everything from Angry Birds to TED talks is covered and it’s amazing to think about all that has happened in that 20 year time period.  Some of the other things weren’t too shocking to see on the highlight reel like Bill Gates and geeks; and no they aren’t the same WIRED says they’re different topics.

What I found interesting as I read through the list was how many of these highlights our clients ask us about on regular basis.  Apps being the front runner; because everyone has to have an app … right?  But also specific topics like Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Flickr, and Instagram.  We find ourselves always discussing whether our clients need theses, why they might not and if they do the ways to leverage the technology for their businesses.

I think the most excite part of the issue for me was that of the 103 topics covered G.1440 works with or helps our clients to use at least 30.  Now on most scales 30% isn’t something to blog about but when you consider that almost 40 of the remaining 70 are people and businesses it means we’re doing alright.  And as for the things we didn’t help our clients with … Napster, Trolling, and xkcd just aren’t in our wheelhouse, sorry.

If you’re interested in how G.1440 can help you with your online marketing please feel free to contact us via email at marketing@g1440.com or by phone at 410-843-3886.